In my mind, when I see the two words “Techno” and “Viking” put together, it doesn’t seem right, “Techno” to me is wimpy and pathetic, “Viking” is strong, virile and mean. I was that kid in the 1990’s who hated techno as a genre for the most part, barring a few songs here and there, I was the kid that liked metal, noise rock, punk and noise genres as a whole and the only reason why I would go to raves was to pick up chicks on Ecstasy and score some mind altering substances, other than that I hated the techno hipsters with their brightly colored clothing and jewelry. Me and my friends would make fun of them, overall I thought it was pretentious music for pretentious people, which is the reason why I had some trepidation picking “Techno Viking”, even if it was on the ASKE (Anti Social Kultur England) label, but my trepidation were put to rest, this was a whole tape of twisted Techno, the twisted part put the “Viking” in the music.

The tape came with xeroxed art with the title of the tape, “Techno Viking” on top and bottom, the ASKE records symbol on one side and the track listing on the other side. Again seeing the art I figured that the tape would be a cheap, recorded one, nope, it was a white pro tape limited to 40 copies, I have copy 16.

So here is my track by track break down of “Techno Viking”, the first track is “War” and it starts with a sample from the movie “Fight Club” with chanting in back and then bongos mixed into the track. The second track “Discipline” has synthesized beat and effects and “Discipline” chanted over over, the beat gets faster and faster and the “Discipline” chant gets higher in pitch like chipmunks, the third track is “Pub Fight”, this track has a wailing synth line with a weird electronic beat over samples of people fighting in a club. The fourth track is “Life on the Streets” which features a sample of a journalist interviewing a drug lord played with an incessant beat over the interview. The fifth track is “Destroy Rework” which features a beat with a distorted synth over it. The sixth track “Debt Rework” has a distorted synth over a galloping bass line and beat, the sixth track is “Ogard Runir Remix” the track is pretty much pagan chanting over a repeated electric drum beat, distorted bass with a high, whiny synth line, and the seventh and last track which is my favorite is “Abyss” which is low, pitch shifted spoken word over synth lines and drones. Overall, this is techno I don’t mind too much, still not a big fan, not enough happens in the “techno” genre of music. “Techno Viking” techno done “ASKE” style is techno done right.
To get raided by the “Techno Viking” go here:
Sorry no more Viking booty anywhere.